Monday, November 10, 2008

press ready images of David Anthony

Hi Chuck,

Good speaking with you earlier. I had my assistant make a montage of a
bunch of pictures of me and put them up on this here blog. Please use
whichever suites your needs best and I look forward to reading you
article in the daily telegraph. Thanks again and happy halloween.

Warm Regards,

David Anthony

ok, here are the pics, enjoy....

Good pic of David 
\press use picture of david anthony

Mr. Anthony speaking in public, Memphis TN,
fast pitch david anthony

Portrait of David Anthony drawn by Yonatan Frimer 2007
david anthony - portrait

David speaking in seattle, I think.
david anthony speaking

David's logo on the jpost blog
press use picture of david anthony

Nice clean headshot of David.
 Mr. Anthony

An old logo of 21Ventures.

old logo

David in Seattle..
david anthony in seattle speaking 21v

David's Facebook page:
facebook image of david anthony

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